AI Store

大家在使用支付宝(Alipay)APP的搜索推荐Search and Recommendation 功能的时候遇到了哪些好的体验和有问题的体验?请麻烦写明复现条件,比如prompt输入文本,上传截图。


In this blog, we will give you a brief introduction of most recent progress in On-Device Recommendation (Edge Recommendation) in real-world applications. Mobile AI systems and applications have been more popular due to increasing number of mobile devices and technology developments in deep learning based methods, e.g. model compression, distillation and so on. In recent years, on-device recommendations have enpowered many Mobile Apps to better respond to users' most real-time behaviors on mobile deivces, including clicks, scroll-donwns, likes, and many others. We will introduce three applications, including EdgeRec in Taobao, searchbar background words reranking in Alipay, search result reranking in Meituan-Dianping, short-video recommendation in KuaiShou, TfLite Implementation of Tensorflow, etc.

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