BLEU Bilingual Evaluation Understudy

Tags: #nlp #BLEU #evaluation


$$ \text{BLEU}_{w}(\hat{S},S)=BP(\hat{S};S) \times \exp{\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}w_{n} \ln p_{n}(\hat{S};S)}, p_{n}(\hat{S};S)=\frac{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}),\max_{y \in S_{i}} C(s,y))}{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})}, p_{n}(\hat{y};y)=\frac{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}), C(s,y))}{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})}, BP(\hat{S};S) = e^{-(r/c-1)^{+}}$$

Latex Code

                                             \text{BLEU}_{w}(\hat{S},S)=BP(\hat{S};S) \times \exp{\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}w_{n} \ln p_{n}(\hat{S};S)},

p_{n}(\hat{S};S)=\frac{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}),\max_{y \in S_{i}} C(s,y))}{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})},

p_{n}(\hat{y};y)=\frac{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}), C(s,y))}{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})}, 

BP(\hat{S};S) = e^{-(r/c-1)^{+}}

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BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy)


$$\text{BLEU}_{w}(\hat{S},S)=BP(\hat{S};S) \times \exp{\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}w_{n} \ln p_{n}(\hat{S};S)}$$ $$p_{n}(\hat{S};S)=\frac{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}),\max_{y \in S_{i}} C(s,y))}{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})}$$ $$p_{n}(\hat{y};y)=\frac{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}), C(s,y))}{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})}$$ $$BP(\hat{S};S) = e^{-(r/c-1)^{+}}$$

Latex Code

            \text{BLEU}_{w}(\hat{S},S)=BP(\hat{S};S) \times \exp{\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}w_{n} \ln p_{n}(\hat{S};S)},

            p_{n}(\hat{S};S)=\frac{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}),\max_{y \in S_{i}} C(s,y))}{\sum^{M}_{i=1}\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})},

            p_{n}(\hat{y};y)=\frac{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})} \min(C(s,\hat{y}), C(s,y))}{\sum_{s \in G_{n}(\hat{y})}C(s, \hat{y})}, 

            BP(\hat{S};S) = e^{-(r/c-1)^{+}}


$$\hat{S}$$: denotes the candidate corpus, $$S$$ denotes the reference corpus; $$P_{n}(\hat{S};S)$$: Modified N-Gram Precision, which is the generalization of single sentence pair n-gram precision as $$p_{n}(\hat{y};y)$$ $$C(s, \hat{y})$$: C denotes the substring count, which is the number of n-substrings in $$\hat{y}$$ that appears in y. $$G_{n}(y)$$: $$G_{n}(y)$$ denotes the set of N-Gram in the sentence y; $$BP(S;S)$$: denotes the brevity penalty, which penalize the condition that candidate string which contains the n-grams as few times as possible.


Comment to Make Wishes Come True

Leave your wishes (e.g. Passing Exams) in the comments and earn as many upvotes as possible to make your wishes come true

  • Nicholas Baker
    I hope my efforts are enough to pass this exam.
    2023-06-16 00:00


    Paul Martin reply to Nicholas Baker
    Best Wishes.
    2023-06-30 00:00


  • Olivia Evans
    I'm ready to tackle this test head-on.
    2023-12-14 00:00


    Lawrence Howard reply to Olivia Evans
    Best Wishes.
    2023-12-19 00:00


  • Mildred Turner
    All I'm asking for is to pass this test!
    2024-02-27 00:00


    Bonnie Simmons reply to Mildred Turner
    You can make it...
    2024-03-20 00:00
