Domain-Adversarial Neural Networks DANN

Tags: #machine learning #transfer learning


$$\min [\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{1}\mathcal{L}(f(\textbf{x}^{s}_{i}),y_{i})+\lambda \max(-\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}\mathcal{L}^{d}(o(\textbf{x}^{s}_{i}),1)-\frac{1}{m^{'}}\sum^{m^{'}}_{i=1}\mathcal{L}^{d}(o(\textbf{x}^{t}_{i}),0))]$$

Latex Code

                                 \min [\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{1}\mathcal{L}(f(\textbf{x}^{s}_{i}),y_{i})+\lambda \max(-\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}\mathcal{L}^{d}(o(\textbf{x}^{s}_{i}),1)-\frac{1}{m^{'}}\sum^{m^{'}}_{i=1}\mathcal{L}^{d}(o(\textbf{x}^{t}_{i}),0))]

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Latex Code

            \min [\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{1}\mathcal{L}(f(\textbf{x}^{s}_{i}),y_{i})+\lambda \max(-\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}\mathcal{L}^{d}(o(\textbf{x}^{s}_{i}),1)-\frac{1}{m^{'}}\sum^{m^{'}}_{i=1}\mathcal{L}^{d}(o(\textbf{x}^{t}_{i}),0))]


In this formulation of Domain-Adversarial Neural Networks(DANN), authors add a domain adaptation regularizer term to the original loss function of source domain. The domain adaptation regularizer term are calculated based on the H-divergence of two distributions h(X_{S}) and h(X_{T}). The adversial network aims to maximize the likelihood that the domain classifier are unable to distingush a data point belongs to source domain S or target domain T. Function o(.) is the domain regressor which learns high level representation o(X) given input X. You can check more detailed information in this paper by Hana Ajakan, Pascal Germain, et al., Domain-Adversarial Neural Networks for more details.

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  • Nancy Anderson
    Passing this test is crucial for me.
    2023-01-24 00:00


    Paula Burton reply to Nancy Anderson
    You can make it...
    2023-02-01 00:00


  • Frank Collins
    Working hard in hopes of passing this test.
    2023-10-23 00:00


    Curtis Price reply to Frank Collins
    Gooood Luck, Man!
    2023-10-30 00:00


  • Curtis Price
    Let's hope I can clear this exam.
    2023-01-26 00:00


    Zachary Mason reply to Curtis Price
    Gooood Luck, Man!
    2023-02-08 00:00
