Radii of stable orbits in Bohr model
Tags: #Chemistry #Atomic StructureEquation
$$r = n^2 \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e kZe^2 }} = n^2 \frac{{a_0 }}{Z}$$Latex Code
r = n^2 \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e kZe^2 }} = n^2 \frac{{a_0 }}{Z}
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Latex Code
r = n^2 \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e kZe^2 }} = n^2 \frac{{a_0 }}{Z}
Latex code for Radii of stable orbits in Bohr model.
: Radii of stable orbits r
: Bohr Radius, the electron is moving with velocity v around the nucleus in an orbit of radius
: Electron of mass m
: the number of orbits. The Bohr radius is proportional to the square of the number of orbits as h^2.